Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

ANNUAL REPORT PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Tahun 2012, Peserta Annual Report Award (ARA)

ANNUAL REPORT PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) 2012 yang disusun oleh Tim IPO - PT Pos utk Pertama kalinya  ikut ajang bergengsi "Annual Report Award (ARA)" 2013 . . . . . click di

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

A Conceptual Model of the Antecedents of Behavioural Loyalty of Dissatisfied Business Services Customers

V. Yanamandram &  L. White 
Faculty of Commerce - Papers, University of Wollongong, at Research Online, 2005

This paper presents a conceptualisation of the factors that lead dissatisfied business-tobusiness
(B2B) customers to stay with their existing service providers. While studies in a B2B
context have addressed some important barriers to switching, they have not discussed all of
these, and not necessarily under conditions of dissatisfaction. A literature review of previous
research, both theoretical and empirical, identified that a gap in the body of knowledge exists
regarding the reason that dissatisfied customers are behaviourally loyal, and results from a
previous qualitative study unearthed additional barriers that exist. Hence, this paper proposes
a model of the deterrents to switching amongst dissatisfied business services customers,
including moderators and meditators that are postulated to influence the relationship.

Just as satisfied customers are not necessarily loyal (Rowley and Dawes, 2000), dissatisfied
customers do not always exit (Day, 1984; Hirschman, 1970). While Colgate and Lang (2001)
empirically validated the reasons why dissatisfied customers stay with service organisations
in the consumer market, studies in a B2B context have only addressed some individual
barriers to switching (Bozzo, 2002; Hansen, Swan and Powers 1996; Nielson, 1996;
Sengupta, Krapfel and Pusateri, 1997). These studies (with the exception of service recovery)
have not empirically investigated the switching barriers under conditions of dissatisfaction.
Further, no attempt appears to have been made to conceptualise those determinants
comprehensively in a single model in the B2B services sector (Yanamandram and White,
2005). Since the highest growth in services marketing is in business markets (Brown, 2002),
this is a valuable area of investigation.

Conceptual Framework
Based on the literature review in consumer and business markets, and results from a
qualitative study (Yanamandram and White, 2005) conducted previously in the Australian
B2B services sector, a conceptual framework of behavioural loyalty amongst dissatisfied . . . . . . . . (baca selengkapnya)

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Structural Equation Modeling on the Antecedents of Customer Loyalty

Mohammad Muzahid Akbar and Md. Munir Hossain - 2008

Three conceptual frameworks had been proposed and investigated to assess the effects of perceived service quality, trust, switching cost, customer satisfaction, and corporate image on customer loyalty. Structural equation modelling was employed to analyse the data collected from 322  subscribers/customers of a private telecommunication company in Bangladesh. The results revealed that perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, corporate image, and trust are very powerful antecedents of customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and trust found to be important mediators between service quality and customer loyalty; corporate image and customer loyalty respectively. Such study might encourage the service providers to take appropriate course of action in order to create a loyal customer base.
Keywords: Service quality, Trust, Switching cost, Customer satisfaction, Corporate image, and Customers loyalty.

In the past three decades, due to significant liberalization and privatization the entire telecommunications industry has become a dynamic service industry subject to increasing competition with huge growth potential. (Graack, 1996). In recent years, in some Asian countries the number of mobile subscribers even passed the number of fixed-line subscribers (Fink, Matto, & Rathindran, 2003). Hence, the strategic behavior of telecommunications companies has attracted so much attention in recent years, both in the academic literature and in the popular press. In Bangladesh the scenario is not much different as its socioeconomic profile offers the industry a tremendous opportunity to grow.
In Bangladesh currently six telecommunications companies (five private and one state-owned) are operating; but the aggressive competition has forced the incumbent mobile ...... (baca selengkapnya)

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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

The Impact of Operations Performance on Customer Loyalty

Vikas Kumar
Service Science 3(2), pp. 158-171, © 2011 SSG

This research develops a longitudinal study that builds upon previous findings that operations
performance of service delivery can positively affect customer satisfaction, further extending this
verdict to point out operations performance as a direct determinant of customer loyalty. Path Analysis is used as a methodological framework. This paper reports the findings of an empirical research conducted in a large telecommunications company operating in the UK. Regarding operations performance impact on customer loyalty, the research findings support the conclusion that while operations speed may help to acquire customers, it is the operations dependability that more strongly drives customer loyalty in the long term.
Key words: customer loyalty drivers; operations performance; service delivery; dependability; speed;

1. Introduction
Customer loyalty is one of the most frequently addressed subjects in the marketing and service literature (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998a; Kerr, 1999; Patterson and Smith, 2003; Eshghi, Haughton, and Topi, 2007; Heskett and Sasser, 2010). The subject has gained attention of service companies because of its importance to the successful running of any business. Realizing the prime importance of customer loyalty to organisations, a major concern is to determine how it is affected. Issues involving customer loyalty in service organisations have drawn the attention of various researchers concerned with finding the determinants of customer loyalty and their implications
in service industries.
Most of the studies on this matter have concluded that customer satisfaction is one of the major determinants of customer loyalty (Parasuraman et al. 1988; Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998a; Lin and Wang, 2006). Besides customer satisfaction, low perceived value compels customers towards switching to competing businesses in order to increase perceived value, which consequently contributes to a decline in loyalty (Anderson and Srinivasan, 2003). Recent research has found that perceived trust directly and positively influences customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Chiou, 2004). This aspect was strengthened by Lin and Wang (2006), whose study concluded that trusting beliefs could lead to customer satisfaction, which, in turn, influences customer loyalty. Corporate image and Brand image also positively affects customer loyalty and customer satisfaction (Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998a; Javalgi and Moberg, 1997). Other studies have found that service quality is a ........ . . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

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Berdasarkan hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh Institude of Service
Management Studies (InfoBank No.345 Edisi Desember 2007), Bank Bukopin
memiliki kualitas pelayanan yang baik, menduduki peringkat ke empat. Namun
menurut hasil survey dari MarkPlus dan Biro Riset Infobank, (Infobank No.334
Edisi Januari 2007) mengenai loyalitas nasabah khususnya tabungan, Bank
Bukopin belum menduduki peringkat 10 besar. Dengan melihat permasalahan
yang ada, maka penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menganalisis mengenai bagaimana
meningkatkan loyalitas nasabah PT. Bank Bukopin, dengan didukung peningkatan
kualitas pelayanan (service quality) yang diberikan perusahaan dan meningkatkan
keunggulan produk.
Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 135 nasabah tabungan bank Bukopin
dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari pertanyaan terbuka dan tertutup.
Jawaban responden terhadap atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertutup mengenai
variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini selanjutnya dianalisis dengan
menggunakan nilai indeks dan regresi berganda yang dijalankan dengan program
SPSS sedangkan jawaban atas pertanyaan terbuka dianalisis secara kualitatif.
Hasil pengujian analisis nilai indeks menunjukkan bahwa kualitas
pelayanan, keunggulan produk, dan loyalitas nasabah termasuk dalam kategori
sedang. Hasil hipotesis yang dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda
menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan
terhadap loyalitas nasabah tabungan Bank Bukopin dan keunggulan produk juga
terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah tabungan Bank
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, loyalitas nasabah ditingkatkan melalui
petugas cutomer service yang khusus menangani nasabah dengan perhatian lebih,
membuat pelayanan standar marketing kepada nasabah prioritas dan bukan
prioritas, mendesign ulang baju seragam karyawan yang dilakukan setiap tahun
yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan mode dengan tetap mengedepankan
kesopanan dan kenyamanan pemakai, manajemen waktu untuk istirahat teller,
mengadakan standarisasi pengetahuan produk knowledge bagi semua karyawan
bank, menciptakan sistem antrian elektronik yang efektif, perlu dibuat buku saku
kecil sebagai pedoman untuk melakukan transaksi e-banking secara lengkap,
membuat produk tabungan yang menarik sesuai kebutuhan, keinginan, dan
kemampuan nasabah sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh semua nasabah, melampirkan
polis asuransi pada pembukaan rekening tabungan, memberi hadiah undian
tambahan yang lain agar kesempatan nasabah untuk memperoleh hadiah undian
lebih besar, dan hadiah langsung yang diberikan harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan
nasabah terbanyak.
Kata kunci : kualitas pelayanan, keunggulan produk, loyalitas

Latar Belakang
Persaingan memperebutkan nasabah bank di Indonesia sangat ketat.
Dengan jumlah bank dan kantor cabang yang masih tetap banyak dan produk yang
ditawarkan bank beragam, kualitas pelayanan memang masih ampuh bagi bank
untuk mempertahankan nasabah atau mendapatkan nasabah baru.
Kualitas pelayanan sangat penting dalam bisnis perbankan. Bank-bank
semakin bersaing dalam merebut customer based dengan mengandalkan kualitas
pelayanan. Selain menawarkan berbagai macam produk, perbaikan di sisi
teknologi informasi, sisi pelayanan fisik lainnya, sisi pelayanan non fisik, dan
beragam hal yang berbau pelayanan prima dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan
kualitas pelayanan. Semua itu disiapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasabah dan
akhirnya diharapkan mampu menjaring dana masyarakat. Pelayanan harus
dilakukan terus menerus tanpa henti, karena bank bekerja berdasarkan prinsip
kepercayaan, sehingga value itu menjadi penting. Value terbaik bisa membuat
nasabah puas dan pada akhirnya nasabah menjadi loyal (Supriyanto, 2003)
Yang menarik, walaupun kualitas pelayanan sebuah bank dianggap
berkualitas namun nasabahnya juga belum tentu loyal. Loyalitas nasabah terhadap
layanan sebuah bank ternyata terkadang tidak selalu sejalan dengan kualitas
pelayanan bank tersebut, bank-bank yang dianggap mampu memberikan kualitas
pelayanan terbaik adalah . . . . .. . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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